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Matej Grožaj
Personal coach
Z-Health Practitioner

Children's swimming technique


The story of how he became a 5-year-old non-swimmer a successful and confident recreational swimmer.

The parents were interested in their son not being afraid of the water and considered his ability to move efficiently and feel safe in the water a necessity.

To achieve the desired goal, we used various forms of games and a varied composition of exercises in swimming technique training. At a later stage, we began to use swimming as a form of compensation for the sports specialization in martial arts, which the boy began to devote himself to. The combination of two sports fits together perfectly and the boy is making great progress in his physical - mental training and fitness.

As for setting the training frequency, we started training when the boy was 5 years old, and the parents decided on a low frequency of training once a week, but they were interested in training regularly and long-term.

I always warmly recommend swimming for a child to parents. It perfectly complements any other sport, develops the body as a whole, and in addition, you never know when a child's high-quality swimming training and good swimming technique will come together in the future. The variability of the acquired swimming technique gives the child a feeling of comfort, thanks to it the child has the opportunity to choose in different situations. In a critical situation, he will not panic, he can make decisions on his own and can thus save his life or someone else's life.


Coordination exercises

At the beginning, in addition to breathing techniques, I included training focused on mastering complex coordination swimming exercises in the swimmer's training process. The successful mastering of these movements opened the way for the swimmer to easier access under the water surface, discovering its mysteries, the limits of his own body and moving them forward safely. At the same time, it formed a solid foundation for the subsequent training of swimming technique.

Catching and tossing a toy in deep water and playfully diving for a toy and turning around with toys in hand:

Having fun in the water will give the child healthy self-confidence and movement control. The boy - in the video - can catch toys with his hands or help himself with his feet, he can keep the toys in his hands by kicking on the surface, he has the movement and position of his body under control in both shallow and deep water, and he concentrates on the task without getting distracted during the exercise let the distracting moments of the surroundings (other swimmers) throw him off balance:

Retrieving a toy from deep water with feet:

In the course of our cooperation, it is important for me that the swimmer has the opportunity to fulfill his desires, ideas and expectations connected with movement in the water. The satisfaction of the swimmer is subsequently reflected in his performance. We build resistance to stress together through mental training in the water.

You can judge the result yourself on this video:

The boy again controls the movement nicely, even in the case of changing the position of the hands, when their mobility is limited in front, behind the back, and under the body, with or without weights, and can calmly float on the surface even in the case of a complete stop of movement.


Swimming technique

In this article, demonstrations of individual swimming methods and other swimming exercises - for your better imagination - have the task of demonstrating how swimming technique looks in children's version. It is important to realize that effectively learning a certain swimming method or exercise requires not only time, but also the achievement of a certain level of mental maturity of the child.

The ability of a child swimmer to adopt a new movement or technique depends on the level of imagination about the movement of one's own body, which depends on the level of knowledge and perception of one's own body. The learning process, or the acquisition of a new technique often takes place in conditions where the child is in the water and carefully tries to absorb the movement demonstration of the trainer on dry land, supplemented by verbal instruction. That is why the ability of imagination and the level of perception of the child's own body are so important.

The ability to master a new movement also depends on another factor, namely the way in which the new information is provided. In the case of a young swimmer, I was lucky enough to be able to mold his mind and abilities in advance so that at some point we could both (in a good way) "profit" from it. In practice, this means that the swimmer had enough time for mental development during training and was subsequently able to understand at the right moment and at the same time imagine my movement demonstrations in his own head. He was also able to incorporate verbal information from my movement demonstration into the movement image of his own body.

Knowing how a child swimmer's mind works, at what level his imagination is developed, the ability to control and perceive his own body, allows me to choose the right communication for a certain moment in training. Therefore, it is very important to adapt the training to the child's individual setting and patiently work with his imagination and perception of his own body. Correct timing of exercises will allow safe and successful progress in training.


Swimming methods

So far, the boy has successfully mastered the crawl - freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke swimming techniques, which he clearly demonstrates in the videos:

Since the boy trains with me only once a week, it was necessary for the parents to endure a long enough time in regular training in order to see results. Based on the training records, you can judge for yourself how nice the swimming technique progress of the young swimmer has been over time (despite the low training frequency and the 2-year "covid" break).

Today the boy is 11 years old, he likes water and looks forward to training. We are currently intensively working on improving the above mentioned techniques, compensatory exercises in the water and training with a focus on mastering the butterfly swimming technique.

I believe that you too would like your child to be able to move safely and efficiently in the water and learn to swim. If you like my training system, do not hesitate to contact me and book your first trial training. I will look forward to!

See also more information about my swimming trainings HERE and regarding children's swimming training HERE.

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