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Matej Grožaj
Personal coach
Z-Health Practitioner


Training videos:

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A brief manual of swimming training for children can be found in this blog

Swimming course is intended to help children gain self-confidence, thanks to which they will always look forward to the water.

Trainings they are aimed at the development of motor skills, fitness and mental strength of the child. The child will playfully acquire movements in simple conditions without external influence.

In the course of time, I will also include more difficult conditions in the training, during which the child will have to demonstrate the ability to use the already mastered technique.

Example: mastering swimming with crawling legs against a strong current or waves.

The key elements of the training are aimed at mastering:

  • breathing techniques on the surface, under the surface

  • orientation in the aquatic environment

  • movement with board, without board

  • movement and breathing under the water surface

  • leg movements - crawling, backstroke and breaststroke legs

  • arm movements – crawling, backstroke and breaststroke legs

  • swimming techniques crawl, backstroke, breaststroke


A significant part of swimming training is the practice of STRESS SITUATIONS that normally occur in the water environment!

Among the most important moments is the child's knowledge and ability to deal with suffocation after inhaling water at the moment when he is at different depths with a board, without a board, or without help. Other examples from practice: Losing a board, swimming to a distant destination without a board and having to take a breath, changing body position, handling and swimming against the current, dealing with waves.

Training location: Petržalka swimming pool

Alternatively, a change of location is possible.

Training can be conducted in Slovak, English, German.

Price list

  • Individual training:   35 EUR / training

  • Pair training:      40 EUR / training

        The performance level of the swimmers is equal to the condition.

   The client pays for the entrance to the pool.

Cancellation terms

Cancellation at the latest 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE.

In case of cancellation of training shorter than 1 DAY the training is charged in full.

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