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Darcekova poukazka Vianoce

Matej Grožaj
Personal coach
Z-Health Practitioner


Funkcny trening chrbtica

I offer adults individual training indoors, outdoors or ONLINE.

The training consists of exercises from the fields of athletics, gymnastics, martial arts, ball games and developmental kinesiology.

Individual functional training allows the client to get to know his own body perfectly and speeds up the process of learning and perfecting new movements. The varied training composition aims to develop fitness, coordination, improve fine motor skills, straighten the spine and strengthen the respiratory system.

The training also includes a special part, which consists of exercises aimed at developing the visual, balance, sound and tactile systems.

Mandatory equipment:

  • 2x stick

  • 2x expander

  • 2x tennis ball

  • 1x basketball

  • 1x soccer ball

(if interested, I will help with the procurement of sports equipment)


The price:

  • exterior and online: 35 EUR / 1 training

  • interior: 35 EUR / 1 training session (admission to the gym is paid the client himself)


  • payment after training

  • registration for training no later than 24 hours in advance

Training location:

- on the outdoor field Haanova street, Bratislava Petržalka (next to the MBX runway, respectively near the CS Lewis gymnasium)

ihrisko Haanova mapa

- outdoors or indoors in Slavia Agrofert, Májová 21, Bratislava Petržalka (behind the University of Economics)

- in the interior - Pressburg Gym, Udernicka 9, Bratislava Petržalka

- from the comfort of home - ONLINE

funkcny trening clenky
funkcny trening mostik
funkcny trening kluky
funkcny trening dychacie cvicenie
funkcy trening nizka akrobacia
trening s palicami
neuroatleticky trening
trening so sablami
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